Tag Archives: Filter your words

Watch What You Say

17 Jan

Has anyone ever told you that you should be careful what you say? I spent a good portion of my life doing just that. Then I learned…..

What I have to say is important and if I’m going to say it, maybe you should listen.

I make choices about everything I do, and I also make choices about everything I say. I really do think about the words that come out of my mouth before I say them. That is the reason they have such an effect on some people.

I am not going to use a filter. I am not on this earth to please others. I am here to make a change. If that change can only come by ruffling a few feathers then that is what I plan on doing.

I will not “filter it” for a few so that I can further my career. I will not “watch what I say” so that feelings don’t get hurt. I will say what needs to be said so that I know I have done all that I can to make the future better.

The future is in the hands of the children that we teach….

The teachers that teach those children need to remember that we are here to mold those minds….I will do all that I can to make sure they are molded and shaped into productive members of society.